What was I thinking

I enjoy listening to podcasts.  I can work, drive and do all sorts of things while listening to audio.  I seek out programming or subject matter that interests me.  Programs that are technical, educational or help me better my self are the go-to for me.  If a program makes me smile or laugh then it is all the better.

I explored the options for industry specific media and found a lack of content I was interested in listening to.  There are some programs out there worthy of an ear, mostly about how to start up or about basic tech.  I wanted something more entertaining, so I find myself here.  I want to speak with all sorts of people that may have something interesting to say.

The Good:   Successful projects, great customers, innovative solutions, award winning employees, wise purchases and the like.

The Bad:   Nightmare customers, poor purchases, botched jobs, crappy employees, crappy bosses or bad decisions.

The Ugly:   Equipment failure, accidents, lawsuits, injuries, fires and stuff.

My goals are to have conversations that will be engaging, entertaining and ending with a positive tone.  My hope is to have invigorating conversations, that we can learn from and find humor in, after all laughter is the best medicine.

Phillip Hicks
